Mindmapping - Learn like the brain

Mindmap of a nine-year-old with the dinosaur types, with painted dinosaur in the middle and the dinosaur types as branched branches

Mindmapping - Learn like the brain

Use a creative tool to visualize and structure ideas and learnings and don´t loose the big picture at the same time.

  • Visualise learnings in a way that it is easy to understand
  • Deep dive into school material without loosing sight of the big picture
  • Activate your creativity and long-term memory at the same time
  • Use it as summarizing (mnemonic technique) or to sort out a complicated idea

Mind-Mapping is a method created by Tony Buzan which helps your kid to visualize and organize information. We show you how to apply and how it helps you to deep dive into a topic without loosing the big picture. It is fun to create a Mind-Map, it activates also the creativity and long-term memory by using visual "Brain candies".