No motivation? Why celebrate successes and compete

Can your children name their last 5 successes? Most likely not, but rather the last failures. One negative feedback is only compensated by 5 positive feedbacks. Let's be honest! Can you manage this in everyday life?
We want our kids to be able to overcome obstacles, persevere when problems arise, and bounce back from adversity. They shall be successfull and happy. Our children are motivated when recognition becomes natural and works in a fair set of rules. Positive reinforcement strengthens our children.
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” Albert Schweitzer
Solution: Foster and celebrate success. Positive feedback makes kids strong!
A family success diary works successfully to create a positive feedback environment! If you visualize your own achievements, everyone in the family can boost them, and the family team gets stronger, too. This entails many other positive psychological effects. Our great goal as parents is to give children resilience and inner strength. Resilience is the ability to cope with crisis and use it for development, by using own resources successfully. The opposite of resilience would be vulnerability. With positive experiences and visualization of the success we parents create the basis for this.
Imagine you play minigolf with your family and you don't get a result sheet. Without result sheet? We would be shocked because everyone wants to know who won! Why do we decline playful competition when we talk about school performance? Our children are highly motivated when recognition becomes natural and works in a fair set of rules. Our positive feedback makes our children strong.

Your journey
- Select the right product easyfaM® Challenge
- Celebrate your children's successes
- Give feedback in a helpful mode and create the right working conditions for your children: easyfaM® Video Coaching