25 January 2019
Video portal for method training online!
The methodology experts from easyfaM® solve important topics of modern, loving family organization in their new video training portal - the first coaching program on family-friendly methods.

How do you successfully formulate rules for smartphone and PC playing time in the family in such a concrete way that everyone likes to stick to them without arguing? What is a functioning Internet family agenda? The methodology experts Heidi and Christian Eineder from easyfaM® answer these and many other questions about modern, loving family organization in their new video training portal - the first coaching program on family-friendly methods.
"From parents for parents" is their motto. On their website, they pass on to other parents the methods they discover together with their sons, develop them further and see them as support for families. A new feature is the video training portal. On the streaming platform parents can now find advice, practical tips and effective methods on the most important pain topics and development wishes of the family.
In the videos, the Eineder family shows the most effective methods for all age groups: For example, how a sustainable agreement on the use of mobile phones, PCs and the Internet can look like. The family-internal workshop is summarized by video structured for all parents, so that they can view the contents in the portal again and again and can allow to flow into their family organization. This makes coaching sustainable. The parents select the time for their further training themselves. Video and method maps are on-line accessible around the clock.
The easyfaM founders concentrate on specific methods, enrich them with creative, interesting and playful elements and show the results personally in the video workshop. This new flexible way of parent coaching gives every family the freedom they need for their own upbringing. Parents receive impulses and inspiration for their everyday life through the proven methods. The improved family organization leads to more clarity, to more open communication and thereby to clearly fewer arguments.
Parents train themselves online as coaches for their children and organize for their family happiness such important topics as time management, giving correct feedback, better manners, communication skills, why routines are so important, goal agreements and career orientation for teenagers, brain-friendly learning and learning optimized working environment for children.